UHM Clubhouse Application

Landing page of the application.

The UHM (University of Hawai’i at Manoa) Clubhouse is a web application that was developed to help centralize all the clubs at the university. By creating a hub for the clubs at Manoa, students and faculty are able to easily browse through the wide range of clubs the university has to offer! From nationally recognized clubs to niche hobby clubs, UHM Clubhouse has it all.

This web application has three main roles- users, club admins, and super admins. Users are able to browse for clubs through a search function or by what their interests are, join and leave clubs, and request to become a club admin in order to start a club or manage an existing club if the user becomes apart of that clubs board member. In addition to the user functionalities, club admins are able to create, edit, and delete their own clubs. Super admins have the same functionalities as club admins but what sets super admins apart from club admins is that they are allowed to grant users club admin functionalities through a form on the website.

There are several different components found within this web application:

This was the final group project for my ICS 314 class where we all collaborated to develop this application over the course of a couple of months through GitHub. My main role in development was to create the club admin home page where it shows club admins what clubs they currently manage. I was also in charge of creating the edit club function and the delete club function found on the club admin page. I also helped create the clubs and club interests database through using MongoDB collections. In addition to my role, each team member had to practice agile project management through GitHub where we created milestone project boards to track and organize the teams tasks.

Here is a link to our project home page which outlines the overview of the application, a development guide, and the continuous integration of the application. Link: UHM Clubhouse